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Sunday 3 July 2011

Maths - Percentage

  • Percentages are special types of fractions, where the denominator is always hundred.
  • To convert a ratio into a percent, write it as a fraction and multiply it by 100 and put a % sign.
  • To convert a percent into fraction, remove the % sign, divide by 100 and reduce the fraction to lowest terms.
  • To convert a decimal into a percent, we shift the decimal two places right and add a % sign.
  • To convert a percent into a decimal, remove the % sign and shift the decimal two places to left.
  • Percentage increase/decrease is given by
                (change / original value) × 100%

1. The ratio 5 : 4 expressed as a percent equals:           a. 12.5% b. 40% c. 80% d. 125%
2. 3.5 can be expressed in term of percentage is:          a. 0.35% b. 3.5% c. 35% d. 350%
3. 88% of 370 + 24% of 210 - ? = 118                           a. 256 b. 258 c. 268 d. 358
4. 60 % of 264 is the same as:                                       a. 10 % of 44 b. 15 % of 1056 c. 30 % of 132 d. none
5. What % of 7.2 kg is 18 gms?                                     a. 0.025% b. 0.25 % c. 2.5 % d. 25 %
6. It costs Rs. 1 to photocopy a sheet of paper. However 2% discount is allowed on photocopies done after first 1000 sheets. How much will it cost to copy 5000 sheets of paper?
          a. Rs 3920 b. Rs 3980 c. Rs 4900 d. Rs 4920
7. x % of 932 + 30 = 309.6
          a. 25 b. 30 c. 35 d. 40
8. 15 % of a % of 582 = 17.46
          a. 2 b. 10 c. 20 d. none
9. Two-fifth of one-third of three-seventh of a number is 15. What is the 40 % of that number?
          a. 72 b. 84 c. 136 d. 140 e. none
10. A number when 35 is subtracted from it, reduces to its 80 %. What is four-fifth of that number?
           a. 70 b. 90 c. 120 d. 140
11. The difference of two numbers is 20 % of the larger number. If the smaller number is 20, then the larger number is:
           a. 25 b. 45 c. 50 d. 80
12. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40 % of apples and still has 420 apples. Originally he had:
          a. 588 b. 600 c. 672 d. 700
13 A student has to obtain 33% of total topass. He got 125 and failed by 40 marks. The maximum markes are:
         a. 300 b. 500 c. 800 d. 1000
14. In an election A gets 84% vote and is elected by a majority of 476. What is the total number of votes?
          a. 672 b. 700 c. 749 d. 848
15. At an election in two candidates, 68 votes were invalid. The winning candidate secure 52% and wines by 98 votes. Total no of votes polled:
          a. 2382 b. 2450 c. 2518 d. none
Answer: 1d, 2d, 3b, 4b, 5d, 6d, 7b, 8c, 9e, 10d, 11a, 12d, 13b, 14b,15c

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