SBI Has announced Recruitment of Clerks in Assistants and Stenographers cadre by revising its earlier advertisement that announced 3100 posts in OBC/SC/ST and North - East Region. Now the revision is made to include candidates from all the categories and across the country. Written exam dates are also revised from Mar 18 to May 27 and June 3.
State Bank of India is the largest public sector Bank in India with Headquarters in Mumbai. SBI now has vast network of over 16000 branches across india and also has numerous overseas offices. State Bank of India Invites applications for recruitment of Clerks in Assistants and Stenographers cadre.
Payment of fees :- Mar 7 to 31, 2012
Written Test Date :- 27.05.2012 and 03.06.2012 (May change as decided by SBI Bank)
Aptitude / Computer Knowledge.
For those applying for stenographer posts :- They will be called for a skill test in stenography after qualifying the written test. In that skill test, The candidate will be given one dictation for 10 minutes in English/Hindi at the speed
of 100 w.p.m. The matter will have to be transcribed on computer in 40 minutes in case of English Stenography and in 55 minutes in case of Hindi Stenography. Candidate should score min 50% marks to qualify this test.
There will be negative marking of 1/4th of the total marks for any question.
Bank will decide Passing marks and depending on the vacancies (In the ratio of 1:3), candidates will be considered for Interview process.
For any Further details about selection Procedure, Please see State Bank of India Clerks Recruitment 2012 Advertisement
The fee for this application is Rs. 50 for SC/ST/PWD/EXS in Each case while for Others, its Rs. 350 (Assistants Only), Rs. 500 (Assistants and Stenographers (Hindi/English)) Rs. 600 (Assistants and Stenographers (Hindi and English Both)). Please note that Payment is to made After Applying Online.
To apply, you have to get your photograph and signature scanned and Apply Online via SBI Website Link (To be activated on Mar 5). Take print out of the system generated Fee payment challan and note the Registration Number and password.
The payment of fees can be done using the generated payment challan from second day of application and for next three working days only. The registration is confirmed only after fee is paid.
On confirmation of registration, you will receive and SMS/Email within 2 working days stating the same.
The call Letters for written exam can be downloaded from May 12, 2012 from SBI bank website.
Apply Online Link to be activated on Mar 5, 2012.
State Bank of India is the largest public sector Bank in India with Headquarters in Mumbai. SBI now has vast network of over 16000 branches across india and also has numerous overseas offices. State Bank of India Invites applications for recruitment of Clerks in Assistants and Stenographers cadre.
Vacancies and Payscale
Clerks - Assistants - 8500 Posts ( Inclusive of 3100 vacancies already advertised earlier Here).
Clerks - Stenographers (English) - 900, Hindi - 100
Payscale :- Rs. 7200 - 19300 (Approx Rs. 14,177/Month)
Important Dates
Online Registration :- Mar 05 to 26, 2012,Payment of fees :- Mar 7 to 31, 2012
Written Test Date :- 27.05.2012 and 03.06.2012 (May change as decided by SBI Bank)
Eligibility Criteria
To be between 18-28 yrs of age as on 01.12.2011,
Should have passed intermediate with at least 60% marks or Diploma (After 10th) (55% For SC/ST/EXS/PWD)
Pass in degree as on Dec 1, 2011 (No percentage Criteria).- Fluency in English and local language is Required and Basic Knowledge in computers (MS Office Etc. ) is preferred.
Relaxation in Upper age Limit :-
For SC/ST :- 5 Years Relaxation,
For OBC :- 3 Years Relaxation,
For PWD (GEN) :- 10 Years Relaxation,
For PWD (SC/ST) :- 15 Years Relaxation,
For PWD (OBC) :- 13 Years Relaxation,
Selection Procedure
Selection to be made on the basis of performance in written test and Interview. Written test will be objective type having questions from General Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, MarketingAptitude / Computer Knowledge.
of 100 w.p.m. The matter will have to be transcribed on computer in 40 minutes in case of English Stenography and in 55 minutes in case of Hindi Stenography. Candidate should score min 50% marks to qualify this test.
For any Further details about selection Procedure, Please see State Bank of India Clerks Recruitment 2012 Advertisement
Application Procedure
The call Letters for written exam can be downloaded from May 12, 2012 from SBI bank website.
Apply Online Link to be activated on Mar 5, 2012.
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